Monday, May 22, 2006

Who would expect rain in may?

So, it was a very wet weekend here. I have some corn planted, and for the first time in 3 weeks, I didn't have to water them. I must say, I'm not at all used to the idea of rain this late in May. I can't even remember such a time, and I've been here 30 years.

I was reading an article in the Merc that said, and I quote,
Instead of a glorious beachside wedding on the Monterey Bay, a bride and groom tied the knot inside a banquet room.

``It's very stressful for the parties involved,'' said Liz Williams, a concierge at the Seascape Resort in Aptos. ``They still wanted to have it outside, but it's just not the right way to go, with people all dressed up in their finery.''

end quote.

Can you imagine *that* Bridezilla wanting her guests to get soaked & ruin their clothes just because she had to have HER wedding HER way and anyone who gets in HER way will be steamrollered. Thank goodness someone had the good sense to be firm.

And that, my friends, is why I eloped.

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