Friday, November 02, 2007

iPhone rocks!

Yes, I did get an iPhone and I hope you did too. They are so much fun!

I'm sure you've noticed the new stores in the main drag...Napa Style is pretty cool. Kind of funny that it's so close to Smith & Hawkin. I do miss the antique store that used to be there with the lions out front. The owners were a very cool gay couple who were so amazingly nice. I hope they were able to retire somewhere and have a relaxing life.

And where the fire was? They removed the plywood and you can see the facade. I like the smooth look of the new buildings.

I'm heading to walk down there in a little while. I need to buy my best friend a Borders' gift card for her birthday. Don't tell her! I'd hate to ruin the surprise tonight when we go to Kyoto Palace.

And finally, congratulations to Manresa for getting another 2 stars in the Michelin guide! Well done, folks!